Wednesday, 6 December 2017

who is your AVENGER

the slide below will tell you witch AVENGER you are:

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


My art is out and ready to roll just watch and learn because this video is going to knock you out of your shoes. So its only $12 for a calendar $12 for a pack of 8 cards (birthday cards) $15 for a pack of 8 cards $12 for a notepad. Ta-da: ART ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

gummy bear

get ready get set dance!!!
I even made a scratch game about gummy bears press space⬇

Thursday, 21 September 2017


Up arrow-Grow
Down arrow-Shrink
D-backdrop 3
B-backdrop 1
C-backdrop 2
Space-start and to get ball to the big I
A-get ball to small I
Space-change color space to play song.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

my holiday chapter book

Name Art

this is my Name Art  I made it on Graffiti My favorite part was when you got to choose what style you wanted.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Friday, 16 June 2017

lunchtime fun part 1A: the fun

at lunch time Thursday the 15th of June 2017 me Emma,Millie and Amelie played a game of tag. first I was in but it wasn't good I keept on getting smashed and bashed. first I keept jumping and jumping to tag Amilie and Millie on the cliff hanger so I tryed swinging across on the green part but befor I was even half way there I fell on my back. next Amelie was on the red part above the orange and green swinging thing so I climbed up and Amelie said pegs and the next thing you new I was fell to the ground head first. next they started singing and I was on the ground rolling around blocking my ears. Next I ran around chasing Emma and Millie but I ended up crashing into climbing wall and then triped over a rope and face planted. to be continued... please comment below๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‰.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

learning blog


Benji you have had an awesome first term. we are impressed with your positive attitude, creative thinking and willingness to help others. you are a valued member of RIMU HUB and help make this place a nice place to be. Ka Pai Benji! LEARNING JEDI OF THE WEEK.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Quick write night of the cockroaches

Once a Pona time there was an inventor he invented things he invented a basketball hoop once and that was going to change his life. he scored 1 point but the ball had completely diserppered so he jumped into the hoop and he was floating down  in the hoop but didn't land on hard ground in fact i didn't even land on concrete i landed on a basketball court. to go back home i had to win a basketball tournament ageist the lost crusaders the best team and it was me and a bunch of cockroaches as small as ants but there legs could throe a ball into space. the match had started  I started dribbling but then squashed a cockroach. I kept on dribbling then passed the ball to on of the cockroaches. the cockroach thru the ball into the hoop. by then it was half time. I looked for the cockroach I squished. by the time I found it  was growing into a giant spider and so were the rest. I had to hide. I still had my rifle so I started shooting them but that only made them turn into cockroaches twice the size of the giant spider. Finally I find a weakness the heart. I keep shooting but I need to get it in the center. I finally I kill them all. after that I get to go home.          

Wednesday, 3 May 2017



 I like the holidays cause I had a birthday it was really cool seeing the boys at the party, seeing them was o so cool. now over to my boy Nehemiah. on the other day in the holidays I was playing with the 11th grade smashing everyone with the scutter step. now over to my boy Benji. I like the holidays cause you get to go to the movies and play video games. now over to my boy Zane. I like to go to taupo going to the pools at the end of the day playing all the time on the obstacle course falling in to the water every 5 minutes now over to Charlie. open the door to the wild house owned by doc now all you have to do is join the flock. now back over to my boy Jacob. Lauryn had a birthday halo went to the movies rain went fishing sienna went to shine falls and millie went to rainbosend wait a minute we cant forget paris he went to the sky tower and budgie jumped. ❌ wings out.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Pokemon rock league part 2

Pokemon rock league part 2 
previously on Pokemon rock league: hello professor. There is only a picachu sorry B. Charmander I choose you. hey look there´s a surtitle I am going to catch that surtitle. oh poor Charmander we should take it to that Pokemon center. Hey that´s not what you do to fire type Pokemon you should go get that Pokemon his fire could go out. where is Charmander. sometimes when Pokemon are scared they run away. but where could it be.  peeper for trouble and make it double to protect the world from devastation to unite all peoples within our nation to denounce the evils of truth and love to extend our reach to the stars above Jesse James team rocket blast off at the speed of light surrender now or peeper to fight fight fight meowth that´s right. ah you have that Carmander we found it on a rock so we took it. Now I have to go to challenge a Gym leader. hello welcome to the rock Pokemon gym.onyx i choose you surtitle i choose you. onyx wrap attack no surtitle. surtitle hydro pump ah onyx return. now that I have my rock bage I need to catch 6 rock type Pokemon. Boom ah an onyx. surtitle go now hydro pump. ya poke ball go. now I have 1 of 6 rock Pokemon to enter the rock league. no golem. hay I want to catch you. hay you don`t now what you are doing this golem wants to come along with me. oh sorry. no you don`t need to apologies. ah its just that i want to enter the rock league and i need only 1 Pokemon left.well I need 5. Poke ball go. I got a golem. now only 4 Pokemon to go. oh well its OK I know you will catch a Pokemon. Boom ah it is a golem and it looks like it wants you. Thank you for all the advise. ah its been a long day. Bash. it is a Rydon surtitle hydro pump poke ball go. ya I got a Rydon. 3 more rock Pokemon till I can register for the rock league. Ah if only I could find a boldor. Bam! What was that? Ah it's a boldor. go  Surtitle. Surtitle use hydro pump ah it didn't work. Ah that's a rock through attack use hydro pump on them. Well that did it. Now I think we need picacu as well. Go picacu. Now surtitle use hydro pump and picacu use thunderbolt. Ah we won. Now poke ball go. Beep beep beep. Yay we got it. Now for the final 2 Pokemon.      

Monday, 20 March 2017